Git Extensions is a tool that gives users a beautiful interface to have it more understandable for newbies of Git. Honestly, as much as I want to use Git via command-line, there are instances that I could never deny the benefits of having Git Extensions installed in my unit.
Now for this topic, if the user haven’t set all the things that it displays here, this will consistently bug the user before accessing the actual program. Well, one could also tick the “Check settings at startup (disables automatically if all settings are correct)” checkbox to avoid this from popping up again.

But it was for this reason that this article is created so why not try these simple things out? Fortunately, there are 2 things that works just wonderfully to fix this and these are as follows:
1. Locate the sh program where Git is located
If you installed Git on your Windows unit by normal means, you could simply locate it there too. By normal installation, you could probably find it here.
C: \ Program Files \ Git \ bin
2. Install Cygwin and locate the sh program where Cygwin is located
On the other hand, if the user could not locate it on the step mentioned above, installing Cygwin worked wonders. By default Cygwin normally locates itself on a location with privileges. Please refer to this.
C: \ tools \ cygwin \ bin
If that’s not the location, you could always just check where Cygwin is located and just go up one more folder.
I hope this helps you fixing this warning. If you got any other solutions that works, don’t hesitate to drop ’em in the comment section below!
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