NOTE: If you’re using the new dashboard now, there’s a new set of API responses inside to guide you. This information might be outdated.
As a developer using an ITEXMO package, I think it is important that we understand what response codes are being returned to us by the API. As ITEXMO proceeds with an ongoing upgrade, other developers may find an odd response code currently not yet listed on their documentation. These are response codes 20 and 21. To my understanding, everyone who are using their packages are affected by this hence the importance of defining these response codes.
It is with great opportunity that these have been clarified by the ITEXMO Support. So let us define these response codes as provided to us via an email inquiry.
error 20 - IP Whitelisting enabled but no IP registered yet. Contact support at [email protected].
error 21 - Authorization error.
As stated by each definition, their recent update requires their end users to have the IP that will access the API to be whitelisted. As error 20, requires the developer to provide an IP to be whitelisted, error 21 indicates that the API is being accessed by an IP that is not yet authorized in their servers.
It still unclear if their new updates will allow subscribers to input IP addresses manually since I have not yet been able to access the dashboard as of this moment.
For the whole documentation, please refer to the official site located at:
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Image Source: ITEXMO Facebook Page
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